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Elementary Report Card

Starting this school year, 2023–2024, HCPSS will report student academic progress in our primary grades, PreK to Grade 2, using standards based reporting. There are no changes to grade Grades 3–5 report cards this school year.

Intermediate grades will begin the transition to standards based reporting in 2024–2025.

Standards Based Instruction and Reporting

Standards based instruction and reporting (SBIR) is an equity-based instructional and grading practice grounded in consistent learning goals that are explicitly aligned to grade level curriculum. Reporting of student progress is relative to the expectation of the learning goals rather than a comparison among and between students. Evidence of student understanding is gathered through multiple measures. Better detail strengthens communication with students and family while also providing better insight into how instruction can advance each and every student.

Standards based instruction and reporting for PreK–2 will include:

  • New grading codes (M, P, L)
  • Revised report cards
  • Clearer alignment to standards
  • Updated Canvas gradebook information
  • Rubric-based grading

By focusing on standards, we are:

  • Consistent with learning and purpose, for every grade, every classroom.
  • Student achievement is reported in reference to the STANDARDS they are taught, and scoring practices become consistent from classroom to classroom, and school to school.
  • It is a focused approach to support all students in reaching standards.
  • Student progress is reported compared to a standard, not compared to other students.
  • It is an equitable practice.
  • This type of feedback provides students and families with an understanding of which content and skills have been met, which they are currently working on and those that represent a challenge.
  • Having better, more clear information about student progress, increases opportunities for students, families and teachers to work together in even more impactful ways.

Learning Behaviors are learned actions that enable students to access learning and interact with others productively in the community.

Academic Performance Codes

The goal is that all students demonstrate that they MEET the expectations for targeted grade-level measurement topics and standards. To give the most accurate information about how a student is learning grade-level standards, HCPSS will use the following performance categories:


M = Meets Expectations of the Curriculum Standards

  • “M” indicates the student is achieving the grade-level expectations of the standards.
  • The student consistently demonstrates understanding of content and applies the skills required in the academic standards.


P = Making Progress Toward Meeting Expectations of the Curriculum Standards

  • “P” indicates the student is progressing toward the grade-level expectations of the standards.
  • The student may need more instruction, support, or monitoring to meet the grade level standards.
  • The student demonstrates some understanding of the content and applies some of the skills required in the academic standards.


L = Limited/No Progress Toward Meeting Expectations of the Curriculum Standards

  • “L” indicates the student is demonstrating limited proficiency with the grade-level expectations of the standards.
  • This student requires more instruction, support, and monitoring to meet the grade level standards.
  • The student demonstrates little (to no) understanding of the content and is unable to apply the skills required in the academic standards.


N/A = Not Available

  • N/A codes will be used when transfer students (in‑county or from out-of-county) are missing grades from one marking period and/or assessment grades.
  • N/A codes may also be used as a placeholder for non-traditional courses until the marking period and/or assessment grades are recorded at the end of the semester.
  • If an N/A code is used, the report card will include a comment describing the reason the code was used.