
Building a rigorous and strong academic education

K–12 Instruction

Career and Technical Education

Allows students to explore a variety of technology concepts from computer science to engineering, and includes advanced-level coursework to prepare students for in-demand careers.

English/Language Arts

We maintain a student-centered, integrated instructional approach to ensure that learners become thinking, probing users of language.

Fine Arts

The arts are an essential part of every child’s learning and cognitive development, sharpening analytical skills, encouraging abstract associations, innovative thinking, and creative problem solving.

Gifted & Talented

The G/T Program seeks to recognize and develop talents in advanced-level learners through differentiated instruction, programs and activities, and parent education on the topic of advanced-learners.

Health Education

Provides a setting in which teachers, parents, and community members partner to help students focus on health prevention concepts and to practice life skills in a safe and supportive environment.


Calls on students to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real world issues and challenges.

Physical Education

Develops physically-literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.


By using students’ perceptions of the world around them, our program provides opportunities to expand, change, enhance, and modify the ways in which they view the world.

World Languages

World Language instruction prepares students to participate in a multilingual environment that values other cultures.

Course Catalogs

Preview courses offered at our middle and high schools, learn about high school course registration, and download a course review form.

Learning Behaviors

Learned actions that enable students to access learning and interact with others productively in the community.

Special Education

We support the rights of all students to receive a free appropriate public education that will enable them to develop their unique talents and abilities, thus preparing them to participate in and serve their community with dignity and pride.

Learn more about our special education program →

21st Century Learning

JumpStart Dual Enrollment

Expanding options for students to develop skills, earn college credits, and become college and career ready.

Library Media

Teaches students the skills necessary to locate, use, synthesize, apply, evaluate and share information.

Digital Education

Enhances traditional instruction with digital content and helps extend learning through advanced and college-level courses.

Instructional Technology

Strives to ensure dynamic and creative learning environments through the seamless integration of technology at all Howard County public schools.

Service Learning

Combines meaningful service to the community with curriculum-based learning.

Technology Use in HCPSS

Technology enhances all aspects of learning, prepare students for a 21st-century workplace and has become an everyday tool for today’s youth.

Focus on Your Future with the Career Academies

Our Career Academies offer high school students with similar interests a unique opportunity to prepare for college and entry-level employment in specific career areas.

Learn more about the Career Academies →

High-Quality Materials and Meaningful Assessments


Our curriculum is aligned with meaningful assessments that provide actionable data for instructional planning.

Homework Guidelines

Appropriate design, use, and evaluation of homework assignments is a core part of instruction and helps inform educators on student progress.

Early Childhood Programs

HCPSS promotes school readiness by focusing on families of, and community programs that work with, children ages birth to five.

Learn more about early childhood programs →