Obtain a Staff Photo ID
Photo ID Information
Walk-ins are not permitted for HCPSS IDs!
New Staff
Photo IDs will be issued after HR onboarding has been completed, your Workday picture has been approved, and the ID process has been finalized.
- New staff IDs will be sent to the school location from the HR office, humanresources@hcpss.org.
Current Staff
- Location only updates, not requiring a new ID, please proceed to Photo ID Access.
- If you require a reprint of your ID, please proceed to Photo ID Reprints.
- Please note! Forms are in G Suite and access requires employees be signed in with their active directory credentials.
- Staff who receive a message “Access Denied” should log through the Staff Hub, click on Gsuite, enter their username and password, keep it open, and then click on the link to complete the form.
General information inquiries can be sent to photoids@hcpss.org or 410-313-6711.
Photo ID Access
- If your access has expired (ex- lunch recess monitor, permanent sub, retired-active, update your access by completing this form.
- If you have changed locations, you can transfer your access to that location by completing this form.
- If you require dual-access or cluster-locations, you can request those locations by completing this form.
Photo ID Reprints
You are not required to replace your ID yearly. Please refer to the above, when necessary, to have your access transferred.
Reprints should be requested:
- If your photo is accurate on Workday and you need a reprint, please fill out a photo ID reprint request form.