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Secondary Social Studies

The Howard County Public School System has a comprehensive social studies program which takes students from the familiar to the new, from local environments to places far away, and from the concrete to the abstract.

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Beyond the goals and objectives of the curriculum, lies the real stuff of social studies, those experiences which develop in students a sense of civic efficacy. Good social studies instruction is meaningful, active, challenging, value-based, and cross-curricular. As students progress through the social studies program in Howard County, they will develop:

  • A sense of civic responsibility and place value on active civic participation.
  • Perspectives on their own life experiences as they see themselves as part of the larger human adventure in time and space.
  • A critical understanding of the history, geography, economic, political, and social institutions, traditions, values, unity, and diversity of the United States.
  • An understanding of other peoples and the unity and diversity found in the world’s history, geography, institutions, traditions, and values.
  • Critical attitudes and analytical perspectives of the human condition.

Social Studies Advisory Board

The mission of the Social Studies Advisory Board is to:

  • Serve as a community sounding board for issues related to Social Studies education in Howard County.
  • Serve as an advisory group for the adoption of new Social Studies textbooks and curricula.
  • Advocate for the Social Studies program in a wide range of arenas, both public and private.

The purpose of this committee is to offer staff advice from multiple perspectives on social studies decisions and future directions aligned with the Bridge to Excellence Master Plan. Committee members will review curriculum and new textbooks, participate in long range planning and goal setting, provide support for the social studies budget, and receive updates on professional development and student programs.

The Social Studies Advisory Committee meets three times during the school year. Anyone interested in service on this committee should contact C. Renee Bos, Coordinator of Secondary Social Studies, or Kim Loisel, Coordinator of Elementary Social Studies.

Contact: C. Renee Bos, Secondary Social Studies Coordinator