Redistricting Process for the 2023-2024 School Year
On January 27, 2022, the Board of Education directed that HCPSS initiate the boundary review process outlined in Policy 6010 School Attendance Areas. This review will include boundary modifications to establish an attendance area for New High School #13.
New High School #13 is scheduled to open for the 2023-24 school year with 1,658 seats. The school is located near Mission Road and Washington Boulevard (Rt. 1) in Jessup, within the current Hammond High School attendance area. The communities located in the eastern part of Howard County are most likely to be impacted by this redistricting process.
Changes in school attendance areas as a result of this process will take effect beginning the 2023-24 school year.
Redistricting Process for the 2023-24 School Year
Proceso de Redistribución de Distritos para el año Escolar 2023–2024
Provide Feedback
All students, parents/guardians, staff, community members and additional stakeholders may provide feedback via written testimony to the Board of Education and/or testifying at a Board of Education public hearing.
Please Note: Cooperative Strategies is referenced in the information below. Cooperative Strategies, LLC, is a Board of Education-approved independent consultant that will serve as a neutral facilitator throughout the redistricting process.
Supporting Students
Transitions can be difficult for children and some struggle more than others. HCPSS welcomes thousands of new students to our schools annually, and school administrators and staff in every school are prepared to support students in adjusting to a new school when that reality arises. They will make every effort to ensure this transition is as easy as possible for you and your child. More information will be provided during the spring of 2023 following final redistricting decisions. Learn more.
Public Input
Community members will have multiple opportunities and ways to provide input and recommendations throughout the process. Input sessions, surveys and other methods may be used to inform the Superintendent’s recommendation. Following the recommendation to the Board of Education, additional input opportunities may include public hearings and digital ways to provide testimony to the Board.
Frequently Asked Questions
Process Timeline
Jump to: Spring Community Input Workshops | Feasibility Study | Feasibility Study Feedback Opportunities | Superintendent Recommendation to the Board | Written Testimony to the Board | Board of Education Public Hearings | Board of Education Work Sessions | Board Decision | Information and Activities to Support Students Transitioning to a New School | New HS #13 Opens & New Boundaries Implemented
Spring Community Input Workshops
March 2022
The Spring Community Input Workshops provided an opportunity for community members to meet with staff from the HCPSS Office of School Planning and the Cooperative Strategies team to provide input and voice their priorities related to the redistricting process.
Workshops were held March 8 at Howard High School, March 9 at Oakland Mills High School, and March 14 at Hammond High School. Workshop locations were not an indicator of which areas of the county may or may not be impacted by redistricting.
Provide initial input that will be used to develop boundary options throughout the process — Survey closed
Encuesta en línea — Encuesta cerrada
Feasibility Study
June 2022
HCPSS 2022 Feasibility Study (PDF)
The Feasibility Study includes:
- A comprehensive look at the 10-year student enrollment projections for county schools.
- The most currently available data, including student yields, birth and housing trends, and student data.
- Possible redistricting options based on projections and policy considerations.
Review the redistricting options and information presented in the study and complete the survey to provide feedback:
- 2022 HCPSS Feasibility Study Survey – Survey closed
- Encuesta sobre el Estudio de factibilidad del HCPSS 2022 – Encuesta cerrada
HCPSS 2022 Feasibility Study Survey Presentation →
Estudio de factibilidad del HCPSS – Video de presentación de la encuesta →
Data Downloads:
The student data provided in these files was used to inform the boundary options included in the 2022 Feasibility Study. HCPSS follows the Maryland State Dept. of Education and the National Center for Education Statistics’ guidelines for protecting student privacy in public reporting.
- SY 2021-22 Enrollment Projections – This table shows the official school year 2021-22 enrollment, and enrollment projections for each polygon.
- Download polygon data as shapefiles for use within specialized GIS software.
Feasibility Study Feedback Opportunities
June – July 2022
Online Survey to Provide Feedback to the Superintendent: The Feasibility Study survey was open through 5 p.m. Friday, July 15. The purpose of the survey was to gather community feedback to inform the Superintendent during development of his recommendation to the Board of Education.
In-Person Community Feedback Sessions: Community members participated in in-person community feedback sessions. The location of the session was not specific to the school community they were held in. Families and community members could attend any session.
- Thursday, June 23, 7–8:30 p.m., Long Reach High School
- Tuesday, June 28, 7–8:30 p.m., Reservoir High School
- Wednesday, June 29, 7–8:30 p.m., Oakland Mills High School
Virtual Feasibility Study Focus Groups: Community members expressed interest in participating in virtual focus groups by completing the interest form at the end of the Feasibility Study survey. The window to express interest in participating in virtual focus groups ended at 5 p.m. Friday, July 1.
Please Note: The information presented at both the in-person and virtual sessions was the same. The virtual focus groups were an alternative to the in-person feedback sessions and designed to have smaller attendance to facilitate more engagement and enhance the digital experience for participants.
Superintendent Recommendation to the Board
September 2022
The Superintendent on Sept. 1 presented his Proposed Attendance Area Adjustment Plan to the Board of Education.
All stakeholders may provide feedback via written testimony to the Board of Education and/or testifying at a Board of Education public hearing.
HCPSS Superintendent Presents Proposed Attendance Area Adjustment Plan
Superintendent’s Proposed Attendance Area Adjustment Plan (PDF)
Redistricting Attendance Area Locator for the Superintendent’s Proposed Plan
Watch the Superintendent’s Proposed Attendance Area Adjustment Plan to the Board of Education
Superintendent’s Proposed Attendance Area Adjustment Plan Overview
Presentación del Plan de ajuste de áreas de asistencia recomendado por el superintendente
Written Testimony to the Board
September—November 2022
Members of the public may submit written public testimony to the Board via:
- USPS mail: Howard County Board of Education, 10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042
- Written testimony online form
- Formulario en línea de testimonio escrito
Additionally, the public may participate in Board of Education public hearings.
Board of Education Public Hearings
September – November 2022
The Board of Education holds public hearings to gather feedback from the community.
The public hearing schedule is subject to change. The most up-to-date schedule of upcoming public hearings can be found on the BoardDocs website.
Please note: Registration opens three weeks prior to a hearing and closes at 4:30 p.m. the last working day prior to a meeting. Register online to testify at an upcoming public hearing:
- Wednesday, Sept. 7, 7 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Wednesday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Wednesday, Oct. 19, 7 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
Members of the public who wish to testify but cannot attend a public hearing may submit written testimony online or USPS mail (Howard County Board of Education, 10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042).
Board of Education Work Sessions
September – November 2022
The Board of Education holds public work sessions to discuss the Superintendent’s Boundary Adjustment Proposal and potential modifications. The public may attend work sessions but may not participate.
The Board work session schedule is subject to change, based on the Board’s progress and other circumstances. The most up-to-date Board of Education schedule can be found on the BoardDocs website.
Scheduled Work Sessions
- Wednesday, Sept. 21, 4 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Wednesday, Sept. 28, 4 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Monday, Oct. 3, 4 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Thursday, Oct. 13, 4 p.m. –
- Thursday, Oct. 27, 4 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Wednesday, Nov. 2, 4 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
- Monday, Nov. 14, 4 p.m. – View agenda, related documents and watch meeting
Board Decision
November 2022
On November 17, 2022, the Board of Education finalized its Attendance Area Adjustment Plan related to the redistricting process to open New High School #13. Additionally, the Board voted to exempt several student groups from the redistricting decision, allowing them the option of remaining at their current school or attending the newly assigned school.
Approval of Attendance Area Adjustment Plan
Watch the Approval of the Attendance Area Adjustment Plan
Information and Activities to Support Students Transitioning to a New School
Spring 2023
Students transitioning to a new school participate in activities (e.g. open houses) and receive information about supports and services available at their new school to welcome them into the school community.
New HS #13 Opens & New Boundaries Implemented
September 2023
Board decisions related to redistricting are implemented at the start of the 2023–2024 school year.