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Public Participation in the Meetings of the Board of Education

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Please be aware of Howard County Board of Education Policy 2040 Public Participation in Meetings. Residents are reminded that written testimony, including identifying information, is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act.

Please contact the Board of Education Office at 410-313-7194 / 1584 with any questions or concerns.

Public Forum

Speaking at Public Forum

The Board of Education is currently in a hybrid Board meeting format, providing the public the opportunity to participate in public forums virtually or in person.

Community members may sign up for a public forum by emailing the Board of Education office ( with public forum topic. The first 10 community members to notify the office will be registered – five for the afternoon session and five for the evening session, with three minutes each to present their topic. A request to speak does not guarantee confirmation. Prior to the meeting, registrants will be provided confirmation and instructions how to read their comments during a Board meeting.

Registration begins three weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Requests to register must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. the last working day prior to a meeting. The list of registrants and comments will be posted online in BoardDocs. Registrants will receive a written response. All persons are expected to exhibit civil behavior regarding their comments in accordance with Policy 1000 Civility.

Topics excluded from Public Forum are:
  • Individual personnel issues
  • Complaints identifying individual students
  • Matters that are on appeal
  • Topics for which the Board schedules formal public hearings
  • Advertising or solicitation for products and/or services

Public Forum Written Comments

All written comments submitted during Public Forum will be uploaded into BoardDocs. No personal information will be removed. It is recommended that comments submitted contain only include the constituent’s name. Comments submitted are a part of the public record maintained by the Board Office.

Public Hearings

Public Hearing Pre-Registration and Testimony

PLEASE NOTE: Public hearing speakers may provide testimony ONLY on the assigned subject of the hearing.

The Board of Education has transitioned to a hybrid Board meeting format, providing the public the opportunity to participate in public hearings virtually or in person. Community members need to select if they wish to speak in person or virtually when completing the registration to testify. Community members wishing to testify at public hearings may pre-register by telephone (410-313-7194 or 410-313-1584) or online (see below). Registration opens three weeks prior to a hearing and closes at 4:30 p.m. the last working day prior to a meeting. Registration links are posted below when available. An email address is required in order for the community member to participate and provide testimony during a public hearing. Specific directions will be emailed to each registrant prior to the public hearing. Anyone who experiences issues registering may contact the Board office for assistance by calling 410-313-7194 or 410-313-1584.

Speakers are requested to provide an electronic version of their oral testimony to for distribution to Board members and staff at the hearing. Testimony will be posted to the appropriate part of the online agenda following the meeting as it is part of the public record maintained by the Board Office. Testimony will not be edited before posting online—no personal information will be removed. It is recommended that written testimony submitted at the public hearing only include the constituent’s name.

Upcoming Hearings

Community members wishing to testify at public hearings may pre-register by telephone (410-313-7194 or 410-313-1584) or via online form (linked below when open). Registration opens three weeks prior to a hearing and closes at 4:30 p.m. the last working day prior to a meeting.

Thursday, Dec. 12, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, 7 p.m.

A complete list of upcoming public hearings can be found on BoardDocs.

Written Testimony

Public Hearing Written Testimony submitted via email or USPS mail

Individuals may also submit written testimony via USPS mail (Board of Education, 10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042) or emailed to All testimony is part of the public record maintained by the Board Office. All testimony submitted for public hearings via email or regular mail will be uploaded as submitted to BoardDocs. Written testimony will not be edited before posting online—no personal information will be removed. It is recommended that written testimony submitted only include the constituent’s name.

It is highly recommended that testimony sent via email be submitted as an attachment with only the constituent’s name included. Only the attachment will be posted online. If testimony is submitted in the text of an email, the entire email—including the constituent’s email address—will be posted.