Internships and Employment Training
Howard County businesses, organizations, and professionals can help high school students gain valuable skills for future employment. By working with an employer, career coach, independent research advisor or mentor in a chosen subject field, students apply knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world work opportunities.
HCPSS offers a range of programs that match student interests and abilities to an employer/mentor’s field or needs.
Apprenticeship Maryland
Student Participants: Are grade 12 students who want to “earn while they learn” and invest in a career. Gain valuable, marketable industry skills through paid, structured, supervised on-the-job training.
Businesses/Mentors: Provide a paid position for at least 450 hours, ensure a qualified mentor and safe work environment, and conduct performance evaluations.
Logistics: At least 450 paid hours during the school year (20+ hours per week). Student is responsible for transportation.
Career Academy Internships
Student Participants: Are in grades 11-12, strongly committed, and seeking career immersion experience in preparation for college and/or entry-level employment. Work independently with a mentor in a professional setting related to their chosen field and develop original research, a creative production or a community-benefit project.
Businesses/Mentors: Provide a professional-level internship, attend annual mentoring seminar, and evaluate student progress at the work site and on the final project
Logistics: 5-10 hours per week (unpaid or paid) at job site. Student is responsible for transportation.
Career Research & Development
Student Participants: Are grade 12 students working toward their future vision by exploring postsecondary options and gaining 21st-century job skills. Identify career interests/aptitudes, learn job skills in the classroom, and engage in relevant work opportunities related to their career goals.
Businesses/Mentors: Provide paid position and mentor student in job skills, appropriate workplace conduct and professionalism.
Logistics: 10+ hours per week (paid) at job site. Student is responsible for transportation.
Gifted & Talented Independent Research
Student Participants: Are in grades 9-12 and demonstrate responsibility, independence, successful interaction with adults, and exemplary achievement in the area of interest. Conducts a college-level research project with guidance from professionals.
Businesses/Mentors: Consult and provide feedback on the research process.
Logistics: 1-5 hours per month, online or at school.
Gifted & Talented Intern/Mentor Program
Student Participants: Are in grades 11-12 and demonstrate responsibility, independence, and exemplary achievement in the area of interest. Seeking professional experience and advanced skills in preparation for college and career. Design an original research study aligned with off-site experiences with a professional mentor.
Businesses/Mentors: Provide students with authentic experiences that highlight various aspects of your work and provide feedback on the intern’s progress and final project.
Logistics: 5-10 hours per week (unpaid or paid) at job site. Student is responsible for transportation.
Career and Community Exploration
Student Participants: High school students receiving Special Education services and pursuing a certificate of completion. Prepare for employment by working in a structured environment with small, highly supervised groups completing basic, repetitive tasks (i.e. stocking shelves, cleaning tables, stuffing envelopes, etc.).
Businesses/Mentors: Provide appropriate job tasks for group and collaborate with school coordinator who oversees quality of work.
Logistics: Training (unpaid) positions. School provides transportation.
Work Study
Student Participants: Students aged 16+ receiving Special Education services, either diploma-bound or pursuing a certificate of completion. Demonstrate ability to work independently and a desire to explore careers, build skills, and gain confidence through a structured work experience.
Businesses/Mentors: Provide work experience for student and collaborate with school coordinator on HCPSS staff supervision and coaching.
Logistics: Paid or unpaid positions. School provides transportation.
Partnerships Office, 410-313-6865 or