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Career Research and Development

Career Research and Development (CRD) Academy students learn skills focused on effective career planning, career decision-making, goal setting, financial literacy and college readiness. The program consists of two in-school courses, a portfolio development project, and site-based work experience. CRD empowers high school students to create a vision of their future through quality coursework, progressive career development, and appropriate work opportunities. The ultimate objective of the program is to help students develop skills to live successful and independent lives as young adults.

Students enrolled in Career Research & Development who meet eligibility requirements may participate in a Passport to the Future event where they interview with a business member as a part of their workforce preparation.

Employer’s Role

  • Provide a paid position to student
  • Mentor student to build skills in job performance, appropriate workplace conduct, and professionalism
  • Complete student evaluation at end of each marking period
  • Additional roles and responsibilities

Benefits To Employer

  • Identify, nurture, and recruit talent early
  • Employ students whose interests and abilities match the work environment
  • Collaborate with teachers to provide students with ongoing feedback to improve job performance
  • Enhance students’ skills – building a stronger workforce for the future


  • 10 or more hours per week at job site throughout school year
  • Student provides transportation


Career Research & Development website