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Secondary Science

The Howard County Public School System believes that an effective student-centered science program includes an approach to learning that engages the students physically and mentally in an inquiry-based laboratory program. The major goal of the program is to develop substantive science literacy in all students. The program must provide students with opportunities to expand, change, enhance, and modify the ways in which they view the world. Teachers should provide an environment that promotes students’ thinking, honesty, curiosity, and questioning. Students should be empowered to express and share points of view, solve problems, and make decisions based on evidence.

Contact: Jaclyn Austin , Secondary Science Coordinator

Secondary Science Family and Community Resources

Next Generation Science Standards

The NGSS identify scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas in science that all K–12 students should master.

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Learn how middle school science provides students problem solving opportunities to better understand the world around them.

See how high school science actively engages students in the learning process to develop a deeper understanding of major scientific principles.


All files are in PDF format.

Middle School

High School
