Teacher Development Liaisons (TDLs)
Every school in Howard County has a designated teacher leader known as a Teacher Development Liaison (TDL). The role of this master teacher is to provide ongoing, school-based professional learning opportunities and support for non-tenured staff aligned with best practices for instruction and the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching and to share resources and support all certificated staff with the employee evaluation process.
TDLs play an integral role in the HCPSS Comprehensive Teacher Induction program by coordinating school-based support for non-tenured teachers and facilitating high-quality professional learning experiences at the school site. The site-based professional learning includes sessions that address topics related to the HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Program, which is grounded in the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching and aligned with the HCPSS Equity Framework.
They also share information with Educational Support Professionals (ESPs) about opportunities for their professional growth.
Teacher Development Liaisons receive support and training from the Office of Teacher and Paraprofessional Development and Support.