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Our Bus Services

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Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) provides safe, reliable and efficient transportation to and from school for enrolled students living beyond a one-mile walking distance from elementary schools, a one and one-half mile walking distance from middle schools and a two-mile walking distance from high schools.

Contact HCPSS’ Transportation Office:

Hot Topics

 →Bus Number & Stop Locator

 →Transportation FAQs

 →Schools Receiving Zum Transportation

    NOTE: Only families receiving Zum transportation have access to a mobile app for ride tracking

Bus Locator

Students/families may find their bus pickup/drop-off times by logging in to HCPSS Connect Synergy, select More Options and then Homeroom / Transportation / POS to determine bus times. This information also can be found in the HCPSS online bus locator.

Bus routes and schedules are subject to change as routes are designed and/or revised. The location and times listed online include the most up to date information.

Transportation Forms

Bus Transportation Registration

Parents/guardians whose children are eligible for bus transportation must register to receive bus service each year.

Student Bus Card Pilot Program

HCPSS is conducting a pilot program for a student bus card at four schools during the 2024-2025 school year. The use of a bus card for student bus riders is an important piece in our work to provide safe and efficient bus transportation.

Transportation Internal Action Report

The start of the 2023-2024 school year saw a systemic failure to adequately, efficiently and assuredly transport HCPSS students to and from school in a timely manner. Then-Superintendent Michael Martirano requested an Internal Action Report, which was conducted over an eight-week period.

Transportation Internal Audit Report

Then-Superintendent Michael Martirano requested the Board’s internal auditor to audit the procurement of the new transportation service model.

Independent Transportation Review Report

HCPSS contracted with Prismatic Services to conduct a root cause analysis of the transportation issues encountered on the first day of the 2023-24 school year.

Zum’s September 29, 2023 Response to HCPSS’ Cure Notice for Student Transportation Services RFP #019.23.B3

Bus stops

Bus stops are established based on several factors, which include walking conditions, walking distance to the stop and road accessibility. Given acceptable walking conditions, bus stops are placed at least a quarter mile apart.

View frequently asked questions about stops

Safety is our Priority

There are a variety of ways to keep students and motorists safe during student pick up and drop off. Staying alert and aware of the traffic and pedestrian environment fosters a safe and enjoyable rider experience. Read our frequently asked safety questions for more safety information.

HCPSS is gradually installing bus cameras to improve rider safety. Find out how the cameras work and why they are being installed.

View additional safety tips for:

Read an enhanced transcript of this video →


The school system notifies parents of weather closures and delays using our alert service, HCPSS News. Parents should monitor weather conditions during inclement weather and anticipate that school bus schedules may be affected.

Learn how we make decisions during weather events →

Frequently asked questions about non-weather delays →

School buses covered by snow.

School Bus Contractors

Independent school bus contractors provide student transportation for the Howard County Public School System.

Learn more about how to become a school bus driver

Class Registration →