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Information and Application for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs)

HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, which provide families with significant benefits to help save money. Qualification is based on family size and income, and enrollment is confidential. All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get free meals regardless of income, and students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals.

Free and Reduced Meals eligibility provides discounts for summer programs, SAT, recreation programs, Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and internet programs. Other discounts are listed below. FARMs eligibility also may provide your school with much needed Federal funding.

How to Apply

Please submit only one application per household. Families that need computer or language assistance to apply online, please contact your child’s school.

View the federal income eligibility guidelines.

Online Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year are available on the new LINQ Connect website.

Apply Online
(additional languages available)

After the online application has been submitted and reviewed, eligibility notifications will be sent via email/mail.

By Mail

Paper applications are available at school front offices. Completed applications may be mailed to the Food and Nutrition Service Office:

    HCPSS Food & Nutrition Service Office
    10910 Clarksville Pike
    Ellicott City, MD 21042

Please submit only one application per household.

Parents/guardians will receive a notification of eligibility once the application has been processed. Families are responsible for any meal charges incurred prior to qualifying. Questions may be emailed to

Families must submit a new application every school year

During the first 30 school days, students with free and reduced-price meal eligibility from the prior school year will be carried over.

Any student who has not filled out an application up to the 30th school day will have their prior year status changed to full pay status until a new application is received. Parents / guardians are highly encouraged to fill out the applications as soon as possible. Also, it is very important that applications are filled out correctly.

Did you get a direct certification letter?

Based on monthly information from the Department of Social Services, some students are directly certified to receive free breakfast and lunch meals without submitting a Free and Reduced Meals application.

If families receive a direct certification letter in the mail/email, families do not have to fill out a free and reduced-price meal form for the school year.

All other students who did not receive a Direct Certification letter must fill out a new form.


If you have additional questions regarding the FARMs program, please review our FAQ Section or email

Participation in the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program qualifies students for the following opportunities:

Students may be eligible for these additional opportunities:

Reach out to the PPW office to inquire about the following resources:

  • Help-A-Child vouchers through the Howard County Education Association
  • Prepare for Success – School Supplies for Students

Beneficios Gratis y con Descuento para Familias del HCPSS que Califiquen

El programa de FARMs (Comidas Gratis y a Precio Reducido) proporciona beneficios significativos a familias para ayudarles a ahorrar dinero. Las calificaciones son en base al tamaño de la familia y al ingreso y la inscripción es confidencial.

Gratis o [a Precio] Reducido:

  • Desayuno y almuerzo
  • Matrícula en Howard Community College
  • Exámenes SAT, ACT y AP (de asignación avanzada)
  • Campamentos, deportes y cuidado infantil
  • ¡Y mucho más!

供合格 HCPSS家庭申请的免费福利和减价福利

FARMs 项目为家庭提供极大福利,帮助您节省金钱。 家庭是否合格乃视家庭人数和收入决定,而且申请绝对保密。


  • 早餐和午餐
  • 哈维社区大学学费
  • SAT、ACT和AP考试报名费
  • 活动营队、运动和托儿照护
  • 以及其他许多项目!

자격 요건이 되는 HCPSS 가족들이 받을 수 있는 무료 및 할인 혜택들

FARMs 프로그램은 많은 가족들이 크게 절약할 수 있는 혜택들을 드리고 있습니다. 자격 요건은 가족 구성원 숫자와 소득에 근거하며 등록 정보는 기밀에 붙여집니다.

무료 혹은 할인 혜택:

  • 조식과 점심
  • 하워드 커뮤니티 칼리지 수업료
  • SAT, ACT 그리고 AP 시험 비용
  • 캠프, 스포츠 그리고 돌보미 프로그램
  • 그 외에도 다양함!

Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)

Household Size: 1

Year: $27,861

Month: $2,322

Week: $536

Household Size: 2

Year: $37,814

Month: $3,152

Week: $728

Household Size: 3

Year: $47,767

Month: $3,981

Week: $919

Household Size: 4

Year: $57,720

Month: $4,810

Week: $1,110

Household Size: 5

Year: $67,673

Month: $5,640

Week: $1,302

Household Size: 6

Year: $77,626

Month: $6,469

Week: $1,493

Household Size: 7

Year: $87,579

Month: $7,299

Week: $1,685

Household Size: 8

Year: $97,532

Month: $8,128

Week: $1,876

*For each additional family member add:

Year: $9,953


Week: $192

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about the FARMs program are available online.