Elementary School Gifted and Talented Program
Differentiated curriculum and services are provided by one or more G/T Resource Teachers in every elementary school. General education teachers also provide instruction to allow for accelerated learning in Language Arts and Mathematics.
G/T Mathematics Program
The 4th and 5th grade G/T Mathematics Program offers an enriched and accelerated mathematics curriculum taught daily in place of the general education mathematics curriculum.
Students are placed in G/T Mathematics based upon multiple criteria. The first step in the placement process includes the testing of all students in Grade 3 using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and any new students to HCPSS in subsequent years. Students whose scores fall within the designated ranges on at least two of three standardized measures will be recommended for placement in G/T Math:
- 90th** percentile or higher on CogAT Quantitative-Nonverbal (QN)
- 90th percentile or higher on the Fall Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Math,
- and/or 90th percentile or higher on the Winter MAP Math.
In addition to those students whose scores fall in the 90th percentile or higher, students also may be recommended to participate in G/T Mathematics based upon other performance measures, including additional assessment scores, mathematical tasks, and report card grades.
Families of students not recommended for placement in G/T Mathematics by the school-based team may contact the elementary G/T Resource teacher to request a Course Placement Review for further consideration of the data.
**All CogAT Percentiles and Composite scores are Grade Percentile Rank (GPR).
Schoolwide Enrichment Program
The Schoolwide Enrichment Program provides enrichment and extension opportunities that include the following components.
Primary Talent Development
All students in Kindergarten and 1st grades participate in eight Primary Talent Development lessons throughout the year. These lessons, taught by the Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher, provide instruction for the development of analytical and creative thinking strategies.
G/T Instructional Seminars
Seminars provide enrichment opportunities for all students based upon their interests. Students develop a broad range of advanced-level skills in preparation for in-depth study and the creation of products in their areas of interest. G/T Resource Teachers provide advanced-level instruction in a variety of areas, including written, oral, and visual communication skills; critical and creative thinking skills; research skills; technology skills; and skills in visual and performing arts. Students showcase their learning and creative products developed during the seminar to the community.
Participation in G/T Instructional Seminars is based upon student interest. Please contact the school’s elementary G/T Resource Teacher to indicate interest and learn about specific offerings at the school.
G/T Curriculum Extension Units (CEUs)
CEUs engage participating students in grades three through five in thematic units that extend the grade-level science or social studies curriculum through advanced-level thinking, questioning, and research. While participating in these units, students receive instruction from the G/T Resource Teacher during the corresponding grade-level content time. Students develop an individual or group product to demonstrate their learning.
Participation in G/T Curriculum Extension Units is based upon students’ academic readiness as demonstrated on a variety of performance indicators including MAP and CogAT assessments; classroom achievement; and performance in the Talent Spotting Lesson conducted prior to the unit. Families of students demonstrating academic readiness for the Curriculum Extension Units receive notification from the G/T Resource Teacher.
G/T Research Investigations
G/T Research Investigations offer enrichment opportunities for students who demonstrate a sincere interest in a particular field and a willingness to pursue this interest at an advanced-level over an extended period of time. In their role as investigator, individual or small groups of students discover and document real world problems and create original solutions. The G/T Resource Teacher provides instruction on advanced-level skills, facilitates the gathering of resource materials, and provides opportunities for feedback from a professional. Investigations generally last through the school year. The amount of instructional time each week with the G/T Resource Teacher depends upon the complexity of the investigation and may involve additional work outside the classroom.
Participation in G/T Research Investigations is based upon student interest. Please contact the school’s elementary G/T Resource Teacher to learn more about this opportunity.
HCPSS Students Lead the Way for New Legislation
Following the work of HCPSS students, legislation was signed on October 10, 2018 to ban coal tar sealants in Howard County. The students began their activism at Centennial Lane Elementary School and continued it on at Burleigh Manor Middle School. Learn more about their G/T research investigation project →
Elementary School G/T Resource Teachers
View the contact list for all elementary school G/T Resource Teachers.