Applying for a Leave of Absence
Leave of Absence Requests
A request for leave of absence should be submitted to the Office of Human Resources when an HCPSS employee meets the following qualifications:
- The employee has been absent more than 10 consecutive days of work
- The employee is aware of an upcoming qualifying condition* that will require them to be absent for more than 10 consecutive days of work (temporary leave of absence)
- The employee wishes to apply for an extended leave of absence
Leave of Absence Options
Temporary Leaves of Absence
*Qualifying Conditions:
- Maternity or Paternity
- Personal Illness
- Family Member Illness
- Military
- Adoption
Extended Leaves of Absence Options:
*Qualifying Conditions:
- Study/Professional
- Childrearing
How do I apply for a leave of absence?
To apply for a new Leave of Absence, fill out the New Leave Request form to submit your request. You must use your HCPSS account to submit the request.
To request a change to the start and/or end date of an existing approved Leave of Absence, fill out the Leave Modification form to submit your request. You must use your HCPSS account to submit the request.
Temporary Leaves of Absence:
Each qualifying condition requires a leave of absence request form, Healthcare provider certification form and a benefits billing form. Employees may elect to complete a Maryland State Retirement form.
Extended Leaves of Absence:
Each option for an extended leave of absence require an employee to complete a request for leave of absence including request form, benefits billing form and documentation verifying eligibility for request. Employees may elect to complete a Maryland State Retirement form.
HCPSS Policies & Negotiated Agreements
For information pertaining to HCPSS Policies and Negotiated Agreements, as they pertain to leaves of absence, please see below:
Leave of Absence Affect on Retirement Benefits
While on a paid leave, your benefits are protected. Once you are on an unpaid leave, you will be responsible for protecting these benefits. It is important to know that Howard County’s leave of absence rules differ from the Maryland State Retirement Agency’s (MSRA) rules.
For both MSRA qualified and unqualified leave
For MSRA qualified leaves only
Questions or concerns:
Contact the Benefits Office at 410-313-6713, 1564 or 6710 for questions regarding life or health insurance. Contact the MSRA at 1-800-492-5909 for questions regarding your MSRA qualified leave and pension benefits.