Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Screenings
In response to the growing sexual health concern, HCPSS and the Howard County Health Department (HCHD) have launched an awareness campaign to inform high school students about the risks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and offer free, confidential screening tests and access to treatment. This initiative, “I Want the Kit” (IWTK), is co-sponsored and funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Health (MDH).
Information about the health risks and how to access free, confidential testing will be posted in all high school counseling and nurses’ offices, school restrooms and locker rooms. STI testing kits will be available to students free of charge in the nurse’s office in every high school, ARL, and the Homewood Center.
Students requesting the test kit and receiving test results will remain confidential. Test results will be shared only with the student, and if positive, with HCHD. The information will not be reported to HCPSS, the student’s parents, or any other person or organization.
Also, see information on condom availability and education.
For more information
Howard County Health Department resources:
HCPSS Contact
Kerrie Wagaman, Coordinator of Health Services, in the HCPSS Department of Program Innovation and Student Well-Being.
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Frequently Asked Questions on STI Screening and Testing
How do students obtain a testing kit?
What is the cost to students for the testing?
There is no cost to the student for the STI kit, lab test or postage. The student should enter “HCPSS” in the code box when requesting a test kit from the online service to waive the $3.50 postage fee to mail the test specimen to the lab. See the testing page on the “I Want the Kit” website for specific instructions.
When will the student receive the results?
The test kit will arrive at the school within two business days. Once the kit is sent to the lab, the results will be posted to the student’s confidential online account within one week.
How will the student be notified of a positive or negative result?
The results, positive or negative, are sent to the student’s online account. The student can then go to the HCHD for free, confidential treatment, or may print the results and visit their own health provider.
Who can request a kit?
At this time, only HCPSS high school students are eligible to participate in the school system campaign.
What will the school system do with the results?
HCPSS will not receive a copy of the results. No identifiable data will be kept on the students who are tested or their test results. HCPSS is tracking only the number of test kits provided, but all information about which students receive test kits remains confidential. Parents will not be notified that their student received a kit.
Who is available to provide students with information and any needed counseling?
HCPSS student services staff, including nurses, counselors and psychologists, are available to provide counseling and information to students throughout the process. Students with questions about the test kit should contact their school nurse or HCHD.