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School Rainbow Representatives

Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Rainbow Representative.

The goals and outcomes for this group are as follows:

  • To create a more welcoming community for LGBTQIA+ students
  • To provide instructional support for educators
  • To communicate information shared by Student Support Programs to each school’s administration, staff and community
  • To ensure each school within HCPSS is an ally and advocate for LGBTQIA+ students, staff and families

Please see below for a complete list of Rainbow Reps, and select their name to email them.

A businessman stands on a stepladder and drawing the last colorful line in the wall picture of a rainbow.

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Elementary Schools

Gorman Crossing
Amanda Contreras
Kristin Meadows

Adelaide Davids

Krista Barron

Hanover Hills
Laura Jacoby

Hollifield Station
Judith Fulmer

Laura Baker

Jeffers Hill
Rebecca Beall

Laurel Woods
Julie Metakes
Steve Whiddon

Rainbow Rep info to come

Erin Engelbrecht
Jessica Petree

Manor Woods
Kelly Shealer

Chrissy Tundo

Phelps Luck
Andrea Stremmel

Pointers Run
Bettina OliverMcCain
Lauren Taylor

Emily Ingalls

Running Brook
Joanna Carpenter

St. John's Lane
Amanda Diaz

Stevens Forest
Jenny Carlson

Kristin Lichliter

Talbott Springs
Matthew Winner

Thunder Hill
Julia Solomon

Triadelphia Ridge
Abby Haven
Aubrey Phamdo

Keri Golibart
Jessica Wilson-Carr

Mike McClellan
Emily McGill

Alexandra Bower
Christine Williams

West Friendship
Kirstin Williams
Lauren Schaff

Bonita Ward

Middle Schools

Bonnie Branch
Nancy Duke
Debbie Germroth

Burleigh Manor
Robyn Page

Seth Rosenke

Cara Wetmiller

Elkridge Landing
Rainbow Rep info to come

Ellicott Mills
Betsy Adelman

Folly Quarter
Sasha Knight
Kate Copanic

Mount View
Jonathan Sindler

Murray Hill
Madisyn Aman

Oakland Mills
Tyrone Page

Morgan Kempthorn

Patuxent Valley
Elliot Hefty

Thomas Viaduct
Rainbow Rep info to come

Wilde Lake
Kira Lutz

High Schools

Amy Woolf

Long Reach
Steven Satterfield

Marriotts Ridge
Jennifer Roussillon

Mt. Hebron
Anna Roth

Oakland Mills
Kristin Anderson-Little

Suzanne Hughes

River Hill
Caro Appel

Wilde Lake
Rainbow Rep info to come

Education Centers

Cedar Lane School

Jody Duff

Homewood Center
Kathleen MacLaughlin

Other Programs

Innovative Pathways
Cindy Waugh

Infant and Toddlers
Kristin Meadows