A successful virtual instruction program requires collaboration and shared responsibilities among students, educators and families.
The following educator responsibilities, student expectations and family best practices are specific to the virtual instruction program and will ensure that every student is supported and has the best chance to learn and thrive.
The following best practices are offered to support families in transitioning to virtual instruction in the home environment.
- Support your child’s attendance and engagement in all teacher-led (synchronous) lessons and independent (asynchronous) learning experiences.
- Encourage your child to complete all assignments on time.
- Provide or request adequate technology for your child to be able to accomplish academic requirements.
- Create a healthy learning environment at home to support your child’s academic and social-emotional learning.
- Encourage your child to build positive relationships with classmates by respecting differences.
- Support your child in using self-care strategies to help achieve their goals and maintain well-being.
- Communicate with your child’s teachers to clarify learning expectations and support academic and social-emotional progress.
- Encourage your child to seek assistance and support from HCPSS staff and advocate for your child when necessary.
- Take an active interest and role in your child’s education. Participate in family activities that support learning and well-being.