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The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Benchmarking Assessment

Featured Update: HCPSS has been highlighted as one of the first school systems in the country to participate in the OECD Test for Schools. Last year, all HCPSS high schools participated in this assessment, and the results have proven valuable in improving our instructional program.

Read more about the featured case study and watch the videos.


The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) provides a benchmarking assessment titled the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) that is designed to provide national results with international comparisons. OECD also provides the OECD Test for Schools, designed to yield school-level results for benchmarking and school improvement. The OECD Test for Schools measures how well 15-year old students perform in reading, mathematics, and science. It also features a student survey that reveals insights about student engagement and school culture.

Frequently Asked Questions


The OECD Test for Schools is a 3.5 hour test and survey. Each school appointed an assistant principal to assist with logistics such as student notification, testing locations, and security of materials; however CTB/McGraw Hill provided all testing materials and testing proctors. HCPSS identified a testing window between Feb. 18-Feb. 27, 2014.

Data results

School level results are reported in a comprehensive 100+ page report:

  • A guide to help school leaders and teachers understand school measures, proficiency levels, and results
  • Information about what students at the school know and can do in reading, mathematics, and science
  • Survey results that describe the learning environment as well as student habits, beliefs and attitudes
  • Comparison with similar schools in the United States
  • Context of international benchmark comparisons

Detailed Results from the 2014 Assessment

More details on the OECD Test for Schools and additional data results can be found in the Oct. 23, 2014 Board Report.