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Ready to Read ACT

Elementary Reading Intervention

Howard County has a variety of programs designed to complement the systematic and explicit first instruction provided by classroom teachers. Reading Specialists assigned in each elementary school are formally trained to implement a variety of evidence-based interventions that address all five core components of effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency.

English/Language Arts Overview →

Universal Screening for Elementary

HCPSS students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade are required by law to be screened for reading difficulties. HCPSS will use Amplify mClass with DIBELS 8th Edition to conduct the screenings, which assess different skills for each grade. The screenings are administered three times during the school year and take between four and twelve minutes to complete.

Screening results are used as an indicator of a child’s reading abilities. They help school staff identify students who need extra reading support as well as the type of support that is needed. Parents and guardians will receive a report containing their child’s screening results.

Reading Measures and Skills By Grade Level