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Snack Count

A ReadyRosie video

Count out loud together as you serve snack for your child. Produced by ReadyRosie.

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[ ♪ (Upbeat brass band music) ♪ ]

[ A young toddler sitting in a highchair is being fed cereal by her mom. The toddler reaches for the snack bag. ]

( Mom ) Hold on. Are you ready to have a snack? - Yes?

( Toddler ) More.

( Mom ) More? Okay.

[ The mom puts slowly puts some cereal on the tray so the toddler can count them out. The Mom shares the correct numbers after the toddler attempts on her own. ]

( Mom ) Let’s count.

( Toddler ) One.

( Mom ) One.

( Toddler ) Three?

( Mom ) Two.

( Toddler ) Three?

( Mom ) Three.

( Toddler ) Five.

( Mom ) Four.

( Toddler ) Five?

( Mom ) And five. Want to eat one? Go ahead.

[ The toddler puts a cereal piece in her mouth. ]

( Mom ) How many did you just eat? Did you just eat one?

[ The toddler nods her head to confirm. ]

( Mom ) Okay, let’s count again. We got… one.

( Toddler ) One.

( Mom ) Two. Three.

( Toddler ) Three.

( Mom ) Four. Five. You just ate the fifth one.

[ ♪ (Upbeat brass band music) ♪ ]