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HCPSS Student Mobile Technology Duties and Obligations

In alignment with Howard County Board of Education Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools and Social Media, students who are assigned portable technology devices, including Chromebooks, must adhere to provisions outlined in the policy and HCPSS Mobile Technology Duties and Obligations notice below, and may be fiscally responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices.


The HCPSS shall retain title to the equipment at all times, unless otherwise transferred. The student shall hold no security or ownership interest in the equipment or licenses to installed software.

Equipment includes the following:

  • Chromebook – $200.00
  • Power adaptor – $25.00

Content Filtering:

In order to comply with The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and HCPSS Board of Education Policy 8080, Responsible Use of Technology, HCPSS attempts to filter abusive, libelous, obscene, offensive, profane, threatening, sexually explicit, pornographic, illegal, or other inappropriate material that is harmful to minors. Users must not attempt to modify the Chromebook in an attempt to impair filtering functionality.

Additionally, all sites used for instruction are evaluated by staff for appropriateness. Families should note that while HCPSS Chromebook are configured to filter the sites students may visit, they should still discuss the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online, and monitor their student’s online activities.

Chromebook Functions:

The Chromebook is a multifunction device that allows for the following:

  • Connect to any open or secured wireless network (if the password is known)
  • Access the Internet (e.g. access online accounts, surf the Internet, etc.)
  • Take pictures
  • Record audio and video
  • Use various instructional apps

Responsible Use:

Users are responsible for securing and safeguarding data stored on the HCPSS technology. When using HCPSS technology, this means that students should continue to use only approved HCPSS digital tools and follow each tool’s specific guidelines for using student accounts. If students choose to use digital tools or access online services that are not part of HCPSS’s approved list, HCPSS cannot be responsible for any data privacy or security concerns that may arise.

Student/Parent Agreement:

We agree to use the device in accordance with all provisions of HCPSS Board Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media as it currently exists and as updated or modified.

We agree to report any objectionable content to a teacher and/or administrator.

We understand that HCPSS has the ability to monitor HCPSS device usage to ensure compliance with HCPSS policies. We understand that, because of HCPSS’s need to monitor HCPSS devices, we have a limited expectation of data privacy while using HCPSS technology. We understand that students are to use only HCPSS approved digital tools in order to safeguard student data from unauthorized access. Furthermore, we are aware that the device may be randomly collected, inspected and searched.

We agree that the device is to be used exclusively by the HCPSS employees and the assigned student. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may use the device for purposes of assisting their child with educational studies

We will obtain consent from participants before taking photos, recording audio or capturing video.


The equipment is a loan and remains the property of the HCPSS.

The term of this loan is for the course of the school year or as otherwise designated by the school administrator.

Upon request of an administrator or teacher, we will return the device, case and power cords.

Proper Care:

To protect the device from damage, we will store this device in a protective case.

We are responsible for the safe handling, storage, and security of this device. We agree to take appropriate precautions to prevent damage, loss or theft.

We will secure the device when not attended.

We will not write, etch, scratch, mark or apply stickers to this device. Should student enrollment be terminated for any reason, the equipment must be returned within 4 calendar days.
We will not alter any HCPSS markings and stickers applied on the device.

If the device is damaged we will return the device. We will not attempt to repair the device or contact any other computer repair service facility directly.


In the event that the device is damaged due to misuse, accidental care or handling, or neglect, and the damage is not covered under warranty, we agree to pay the cost of the repair or replacement of the device’s equivalent replacement including the device and case.

In the event that we install a program or modify the device which impairs the functionality of the device, we are financially responsible for reimbursing the school system for the monetary cost.

In the event that this device is lost or stolen, we agree to assign all insurance proceeds to the HCPSS. If the insurance proceeds do not cover the cost of the device and case, we are responsible for paying the difference.

If the device is lost, stolen or damaged, it is our responsibility to immediately notify the school’s media specialist, teacher, principal or assistant principal.

If the device is not returned to the school system upon the teacher or school’s request or when enrollment is terminated for any reason, we agree to pay the cost of a replacement device within 30 calendar days. Furthermore, we understand and accept that the HCPSS may file a police report for stolen property should we fail to return or pay for the device and related items within 45 calendar days.


Devices should be returned to the school’s Library Media Specialist or a front office staff member.