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Inclement Weather Asynchronous Instruction Plan

The Board of Education voted not to accept the HCPSS 2023-2024 Inclement Weather Asynchronous Instruction Plan. As such, there will be no option for asynchronous instruction days this school year.

For the 2024-2025 school year, HCPSS is exploring the opportunity to repurpose up to three inclement weather days as asynchronous instruction days.

The HCPSS vision for the asynchronous instruction day includes minimizing the disruption to instructional momentum and preserving the HCPSS academic calendar, including spring break and other non-mandated closings.

The Basics

For the 2024-2025 school year, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is allowing local school systems to repurpose up to three inclement weather days as asynchronous instruction days.

The HCPSS plan was created following State requirements and in conjunction with Howard County Board of Education policies 8010 Grading and Reporting: Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade Five and 8020 Grading and Reporting: Middle and High School.

The 2024-2025 plan follows the Board of Education and MSDE-approved plan from the 2022-2023 school year. HCPSS staff are scheduled to present the plan to the Board on June 20.

Use of Asynchronous Instruction Days

MSDE now requires a district to use the entirety of its allotted makeup days prior to inclement weather asynchronous instruction days. The HCPSS 2024-2025 academic calendar includes five inclement weather makeup days, so HCPSS must close schools for five (non- or consecutive) days for inclement weather prior to using the asynchronous option.

This is a change from previous years when districts could use the inclement weather asynchronous instruction days as the first three inclement weather days, possibly avoiding using makeup days on the calendar.

Notification of Asynchronous Instruction

Students, families, staff and community members will be notified if/when HCPSS implements an asynchronous instruction day the same as all other inclement weather notifications: HCPSS Status website, HCPSS website, Email/Text, HCPSS Twitter, and Information Hotline.

Learn More About Inclement Weather/Emergency Notifications 

Asynchronous Instruction Details

Unlike the virtual instruction utilized during COVID, students will not have live online instruction and will instead complete assignments on their own. All students will have up to 10 days to complete their work.

Elementary Students Secondary Students

A Free and Appropriate Public Education will continue to be provided to students with disabilities. Special education and related services will be delivered as identified in IEPs to the greatest extent possible on asynchronous instruction days. The HCPSS Department of Special Education, Countywide Services, and the Office of Early Intervention Services will work with school-based providers to coordinate and support services that were not received during the asynchronous instruction day.

If/when the board passes the HCPSS plan, specifics on the use of asynchronous instruction and student tasks will be provided.

Public Feedback

Feedback surveys were made available for staff, students, parents and community members in May 2024. That survey is now closed.

Input can be shared with the Board of Education by emailing