School Safety Protocols
Elementary Level Safety Protocols
- The front doors will be accessible to students at the school’s designated time. This entrance is monitored by front office staff. The front doors will be locked as the school day begins.
- Before care will enter at the school’s designated time and location. After the before care program ends, access to the building will be through the front doors only.
- Students that are working with a teacher may enter through the front doors and must have a note signed by a teacher to move beyond the entry area.
Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals
- Students who arrive late or leave early must exit and enter through the front doors.
- After classes end, the doors to the classrooms will be locked, with no one allowed to enter these rooms after school.
- Students will be brought to the front door by a staff member at the end of each after school program. After care parents will need to ring the bell and enter the building when authorized by staff for pick-up.
- Students that are not participating in a supervised activity are expected to leave the school and school grounds.
Secondary Level Safety Protocols
- The front doors will be accessible to students at the school’s designated time. This entrance is monitored by front office staff. The front doors will be locked as the school day begins.
- Students that are working with a teacher may enter through the front doors and must have a note signed by a teacher to move beyond the entry area.
Afternoon and After School
- After classes end, the doors to the classrooms will be locked, with no one allowed to enter these rooms after school.
- Students that are not participating in a supervised activity are expected to leave the school and school grounds.
Late Arrivals, Early Dismissals and Alternative Schedules
- Students who arrive late or leave early must exit and enter through the front doors.
- Students who leave the building during the school day for reasons, such as internships, work release and appointments, must follow established safety protocols.
How Students Can Help
We ask that parents please review the ways your child can help keep our schools safe, so they are also hearing this important information from you:
- Students should not let anyone into our schools at any time.
- If students see someone in a school who they do not know, and that person does not have a visitor’s badge or HCPSS ID, they should report this immediately to a teacher or adult.
- Do not prop doors open. If someone props a door open – even with the smallest rock and best intention – it puts our entire building at risk of being unsafe.
- We ask all students and staff to close any doors that may be propped open and to report this immediately.
- If you see something, say something. It takes everyone working together to keep our schools safe.
Safety Protocols for Visitors
During school hours, doors are not to be propped open. Staff, students and families are reminded to shut doors behind them. The front office staff have been asked to follow specific procedures before admitting anyone into the building. We want to remind you of the procedures we follow when visitors come to the school:
- The front door is the only entrance point for all visitors.
- Please ring the doorbell and look into the camera.
- Be prepared to state your name, your child’s name and your purpose for visiting.
- All visitors must walk directly into the front office with a valid photo ID and sign in on LobbyGuard.
- A visitor’s sticker will be given to visitors following the above procedures and must be worn and prominently visible.
- Any visitor in the school without a visitor sticker will be escorted directly to the front office by a staff member.
- If you are signing out your child, we also check your ID.
- We also ask that visitors not hold doors open for other visitors.