Digital Tools
HCPSS uses a number of contracted Essential Digital Tools and authorized Supplementary Digital Tools to deliver educational programs and services, enhance educational experiences, and educate students about safe and effective online practices. A digital tool is any interactive website, application (app), or software that requires an account with a username and password.

Essential Digital Tools
Essential Digital Tools are digital tools that HCPSS considers necessary to deliver educational programs and operational services that support the goals of the system. These Essential Digital Tools align with HCPSS curriculum standards and are 508 COMAR compliant.
Note: Any digital tool or web application that is embedded in curriculum resources/materials and/or is endorsed/promoted by central office curriculum staff is considered an Essential Digital Tool.
Supplementary Digital Tools
Supplementary Digital Tools are digital tools that HCPSS authorizes to be used as supplementary (non-essential) enrichments to students’ educational experience.
Digital Resources
Online educational resources that do not require an account to use, or are only for teachers’ use.