How often do world language classes meet?
The world language class meets daily for 50 minutes at the secondary level and for 30 minutes at the elementary level.
How do student select a world language?
The study of any of the languages is beneficial; so when making their selection, students often take into consideration interests, prior experiences, family and friends, career goals, etc. At the time of selection, students should indicate a first and second choice of language. Every effort will be made to match students to their first choice
What are world language classes like?
Students learn a world language through a proficiency-based approach. This means that the focus is on what students know and can do in the language. Instruction is primarily in the world language for approximately 90% to 100% of the class time – and students are engaged in listening to, speaking, reading, and writing the language. They are expected to be active participants in and out of class.
What is Proficiency?
Proficiency is about what you can do with a language you are learning and to what degree. Levels of proficiency begin with novice and then progress to intermediate, advanced, superior and distinguished as described by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
How does the world language class count toward high school credit?
Students who successfully pass the class and the end-of-course assessment will have the course recorded as “pass” on the high school transcript. Students must still take two credits of world language at the high school level if they choose the world language option for their Program Choice for graduation (the other three options are American Sign Language, Advanced Technology, or Career Academy).