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Due Process Rights – Section 504 Plans

Due process rights are the rights granted by federal law to parents of/students with 504 disabilities. Below is a summary of Parent/Student Rights in Identification, Evaluation, and Placement (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).

Parents have the right to:

504 Review and Hearing requests must be made to the 504 Coordinator at 410-313-0782. The HCPSS 504 Coordinator is the Coordinator for Section 504 and Student Services Implementation.

HCPSS 504 Grievance Procedures

Parents/guardians, students or staff who are dissatisfied with the decisions of the Section 504 team have grievance procedures that they may follow. Learn more about grievance procedures.


  • Find your child’s school and ask for their Section 504 Administrative Building Coordinator
  • HCPSS 504 Coordinator at 410-313-0782