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Alternative Education Programs

As part of the Office of Student Supports and Engagement, Alternative Education Programs support the vision of HCPSS by providing equitable access to an educational journey using innovative approaches that meet each student’s academic and social- emotional needs as they explore their purpose and passion and acquire the skills and attributes needed to participate as productive members of their communities. HCPSS currently has school-based alternative education programs in 34 schools as well as the countywide secondary alternative learning center and evening school offerings.

Services Offered

All alternative education programs provide a focus on social emotional learning skill development, academic and behavioral supports and interventions, intensive case management services, enhanced parent outreach, staff professional learning, and frequent progress monitoring.

Additional Programs for Students

Gateway Middle and High School

The Gateway Programs serve students in grades 6-12. It is designed to provide a smaller setting with more intensive supports as a short term intervention.

Innovative Pathways

The Innovative Pathways provides educational services for current grade 9-12 students:
  • Virtual Program for students in grades 9 and 10
  • Evening Program for students in grades 9-12 seeking to recover or advance in credits
More information about Innovative Pathways is available online.

Accessing Services

School Problem Solving Teams

School problem solving teams including elementary and middle school Instructional Intervention Teams (IITs) and high school Student Support Teams (SSTs) are responsible for referring students for alternative education services. These teams initiate social, emotional, academic and behavioral interventions prior to referring a student for alternative education services and support. If these initial intervention attempts, designed for implementation within the student’s assigned classroom, are not successful, the problem solving team may decide to request intervention from the school-based alternative education program (AEP).

Central Office Problem Solving Teams

At all levels, there are processes in place for school-based problem-solving teams to request consultation and support from central office. For elementary, a request for consultation could include observation and feedback, increased school-based options, and professional learning. For secondary, the request also includes an application to Gateway when appropriate.


For more information contact the Office of Student Supports and Engagement at 410-313-1291.