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Student RFID Bus Card Pilot Demonstration

A brief demonstration of using the RFID student bus cards for boarding and disembarking the bus.

← More about Student Bus Cards


[ ♪ (Music) ♪ ]

[ Closeup of a tablet with RFID (radio-frequency identification) card terminal. The tablet shows the bus driver the next bus stop and the expected students that will wither board or disembark the bus. ]

( Narrator ) Scan your card on entering the bus.

[ A student's RFID card taps against the terminal. The tablet updates with the correct student information and the bus driver confirms the student has boarded the bus. ]

[♪ The tablet sounds a success chime for auditory feedback. ]

( Narrator ) Scan again while exiting.

[ A student's RFID card taps against the terminal. The tablet updates with the correct student information and the bus driver confirms the student has exited the bus. ]

[♪ The tablet sounds another success chime for auditory feedback. ]

[ ♪ (Music) ♪ ]