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HCPSS Congratulates 43 2017 National Board Certified Teachers

May 7th, 2018

At the May 3 Board of Education meeting, the Howard County Public School System recognized 43 teachers who achieved certification in November 2017—32 first-time achievers and 11 who renewed their certification.

National Board Certification is the highest-level credential in the educational profession. Teachers who achieve National Board Certification have met rigorous standards through intensive study, self-assessment, peer review and expert evaluation.

Howard County is among the top five Maryland districts by historical number of NBCTs, and ranks fourth among state districts for total number of current National Board candidates, with 61 teachers currently pursuing Board certification.

Howard County has one of the highest numbers of National Board Certified Teachers among Maryland districts, with a total of 188 teachers who have achieved national certification.

The HCPSS NBC program is a joint partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education. The school system combines resources with MSDE to support candidates through a scholarship program. HCPSS also partners with the Howard County Education Association to support the NBC program.

The newly certified achievers are:

The renewal achievers are: