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Update on Installation of HEPA Filters and Outdoor Tents, Sept. 15, 2021

September 15th, 2021

HCPSS is acquiring and installing HEPA air filter units in all classrooms, and will also install tents to increase outdoor dining spaces at all elementary schools. Both measures are designed to provide a further layer of protection to the multiple mitigation efforts already in place to provide a healthy in-school environment during the pandemic.

Vendor delivery of all tents is expected by September 24, 2021. The tents will be installed as soon as possible at elementary schools in order of their school capacity utilization, beginning with the most densely populated schools.

Vendor delivery of all HEPA filter units is ongoing, with all units expected to be delivered by October 1, 2021. These units are also being installed as quickly as possible in order of school capacity utilization, beginning at the elementary school level and continuing through middle and high schools.