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Board of Education Boundary Review
Public Hearings

Testify at a Hearing

Members of the public who wish to attend and observe a public hearing do not need to register. Only those who wish to testify are required to register.

On June 13, 2019, the Board voted to suspend electronic registration for the redistricting public hearings only. Community members will need to call the Board Office at 410-313-7346, 1584 or 7194, or appear in person at the Board Office (10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) to pre-register to speak. Note, registration to speak will not be permitted at the meetings. The Board also recommends organizing into groups to allow for all communities to be heard. An officer/leader of a group may register up to five individuals to provide testimony on behalf of their organization/community.

Updated September 9, the Board has added additional spaces for students who wish to testify. (Student slots previously were limited to 10 per hearing.) Students will be permitted to testify at the beginning of the public hearing, followed by members of the general public in order of registration.

All public hearings will be held in the Boardroom at 10910 Clarksville Pike, with satellite rooms available for overflow. The order of community members will be posted on BoardDocs the day of the meeting. Speakers are to check in at the registration area to receive further direction regarding the process for the evening.

The public hearings and pre-registration schedule are as follows:

  • Public Hearing, Tuesday, September 17 at 7 p.m.
    • Region I (Only families currently zoned for Centennial HS, Howard HS, Mt. Hebron HS, Oakland Mills HS and feeders)
    • Pre-registration open August 27, 8 a.m. – September 16, 4 p.m.
    • September 17 Order of Testimony
  • Public Hearing, Tuesday, September 24 at 7 p.m.
    • Region II (Only families currently zoned for at Atholton HS, Hammond HS, Long Reach HS, Wilde Lake HS and feeders)
    • Pre-registration open September 3, 8 a.m. – September 23, 4 p.m.
    • September 24 Order of Testimony
  • Public Hearing, Thursday, September 26 at 6 p.m. (**Time changed from original 7 p.m. start)
    • Region III (Only families currently zoned for at Glenelg HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Reservoir HS, River Hill HS and feeders)
    • Pre-registration open September 5, 8 a.m. – September 25, 4 p.m.
    • September 26 order of testimony
  • Public Hearing, Monday, October 7 at 6 p.m.
    • Region III overflow only (Only families currently zoned for at Glenelg HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Reservoir HS, River Hill HS and feeders)
    • No new registration accepted
    • October 7 order of testimony
  • Public Hearing, Thursday, October 10 at 6 p.m.
    • Region III overflow only (Only families currently zoned for at Glenelg HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Reservoir HS, River Hill HS and feeders)
    • No new registration accepted
    • October 10 order of testimony
  • Public Hearing, Monday, October 14 at 6 p.m.
    • Region III overflow only (Only families currently zoned for at Glenelg HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Reservoir HS, River Hill HS and feeders)
    • No new registration accepted
    • October 14 order of testimony
  • Public Hearing, Tuesday, October 15 at 6 p.m.
    • Region III overflow only (Only families currently zoned for at Glenelg HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Reservoir HS, River Hill HS and feeders)
    • No new registration accepted
    • October 15 order of testimony

Speakers are requested to provide 12 copies of their testimony for distribution to Board members and staff. Written testimony will be posted on BoardDocs to the appropriate part of the online agenda following the meeting. Your testimony should include your full name(s) and polygon number.

All testimony is part of the public record maintained by the Board Office. All testimony submitted for the public hearings via email or regular mail will be uploaded as submitted to BoardDocs. Written testimony will not be edited before posting online—no personal information will be removed. It is highly recommended that testimony sent via email be submitted as an attachment. All written testimony should include your full name(s), address and polygon number. Written testimony will be received until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2019.

Providing Written Testimony via USPS Mail and Email

Community members who are unable to attend your region’s public hearing may provide written testimony to the Board. Equal consideration is given to written and oral testimony. The Board will begin receiving written testimony on Wednesday, August 21, after the Superintendent’s recommendation has been presented. Individuals may submit written testimony via USPS mail (Board of Education, 10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042) or email to only. All Board members have access to this account and will read all testimony submitted.

Written testimony will not be edited before posting online—no personal information will be removed. It is highly recommended that testimony sent via email be submitted as an attachment. All written testimony should include your full name(s) and polygon number. (Get your Polygon Number using the School Locator →)

Written testimony will be received until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2019.

Persons are expected to exhibit civil behavior in accordance with Policy 1000 Civility. Any testimony submitted that does not follow Policy 1000 will not be posted or considered. Residents are reminded that written testimony, including identifying information, is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act.

Testimony should not be sent to individual Board members or

Protocols for Attendance Area Adjustment Public Hearings

Protocolos para Audiencias Públicas sobre la Modificación de Áreas de Asistencia | 学区调整公开听证会规约 | 출석지 공청회에 대한 규약

Region I Public Hearing – Tuesday, September 17 at 7 p.m.

Registration for the public hearing closes at 4 p.m. on Monday, September 16. Once registration is closed, the final list will be compiled and posted in BoardDocs by 7 p.m. on September 16.

Note, if the number of registrants exceed 110, there may be a time change to 6 p.m. and overflow days would be scheduled.

Region II Public Hearing – Tuesday, September 24 at 7 p.m.

Registration for the public hearing closes at 4 p.m. on Monday, September 23. Once registration is closed, the final list will be compiled and posted in BoardDocs by 7 p.m. on September 23.

Note, if the number of registrants exceed 110, there may be a time change to 6 p.m. and overflow days would be scheduled.

Region III Public Hearing – Thursday, September 26 at 6 p.m. (NOTE NEW TIME)

Registration for the public hearing closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25. Once registration is closed, the final list will be compiled and posted in BoardDocs by 7p.m. on September 25 for the first 110 registrants.

The remaining registrants will be assigned to overflow nights in groups of 110. Once lists, days, and locations are finalized, they will also be posted. The Board Office is working as quickly as possible to finalize all details.

All public hearings for Region III will begin at 6 p.m.

Region III Public Hearing – Monday, October 7 at 6 p.m.

This hearing is overflow only for Region III. No new registrations are accepted.

Region III Public Hearing – Thursday, October 10 at 6 p.m.

This hearing is overflow only for Region III. No new registrations are accepted.

Region III Public Hearing – Monday, October 14 at 6 p.m.

This hearing is overflow only for Region III. No new registrations are accepted.

Region III Public Hearing – Tuesday, October 15 at 6 p.m.

This hearing is overflow only for Region III. No new registrations are accepted.

Night of the Hearing:

Registrants are to bring 12 copies of their written testimony to the public hearing. It does need not to be submitted electronically. It will be posted into BoardDocs under the public hearing after the meeting. The written testimony may be as long as you wish; however, there will only be 3 minutes to present the testimony. The Board will adhere to the 3-minute time limit, and we encourage registrants to practice so testimony is completed within the time limit.

Only those registered to speak should report for check-in at the Boardroom. At that time, you will receive the number of your registration and will have a reserved seat in the Boardroom with the same number. Registrants will be called to testify by their number. Before presenting, the registrant should state their name and polygon number.

All other attendees should report to a satellite location:

  • Homewood Cafeteria, 10914 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City
  • Applied Research Lab (ARL) Room B–37, 10920 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City

If you are attending to support an individual or group that is testifying, feel free to stand when the testimony is presented. All supporters will be counted. We ask that you only stand once, and all numbers will be reported to the Board.

Only 8–1/2 x 11 signs will be permitted in any area so as not to impede anyone’s ability to view the meeting. The Board has also requested that attendees in the Boardroom not clap during someone’s testimony so that all individuals can be heard, and the meeting is completed in a timely fashion.

Testimony presented should be civil in accordance with Policy 1000 Civility.