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Policy 8200 – Digital Education

The purpose of this policy is to specify criteria for digital education courses in HCPSS which will provide students equitable access to instructional resources and utilize technology to individualize learning.

Policy Document

I. Policy Value Statement

The Board of Education of Howard County recognizes the value of digital education throughout the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS). The Board values the need for expanded access to learning options through supplemental and full-time digital education. Digital education provides the opportunity to access education that might otherwise not be available or provides an alternative academic option for the student.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to specify criteria for digital education courses in HCPSS which will provide students equitable access to instructional resources and utilize technology to individualize learning.

III. Standards

  1. Digital Education Courses

    1. The HCPSS will implement national, state, and local requirements and best practices when developing, designing and reviewing digital education courses.

    2. Digital education courses will be aligned with HCPSS academic standards.

    3. HCPSS digital education eligibility requirements and course availability will be made available through the formal course scheduling process.

    4. The HCPSS will use HCPSS employed teachers who meet established criteria for digital education to teach digital education courses. When a qualified HCPSS employed teacher is not available, the HCPSS may advertise for and establish a contract with an online learning provider to secure a non-HCPSS employed teacher.

    5. Digital education students are subject to the grading, reporting, and eligibility guidelines outlined in Policy 8010 Grading and Reporting: Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 5 and Policy 8020 Grading and Reporting: Middle and High School with necessary modifications.

    6. All schools with students enrolled in digital education will designate school-based staff members to communicate student needs to the Digital Education Program Office.

    7. The HCPSS will report the status of digital education annually.

  2. Full-Time Digital Education

    1. Digital education virtual programs are subject to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

    2. Employees and students working in or enrolled in a digital education virtual program are subject to the same policies as HCPSS schools.

    3. Enrollment in a digital education virtual program will be made available following the processes outlined in Policy 9000 Student Residency, Eligibility, Enrollment and Assignment.

    4. Students enrolled in a digital education virtual program are required to maintain their enrollment for the entire school year unless the student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the IEP team determines a placement change is necessary.

    5. There are no fees for full-time digital education courses/virtual program courses as they are the student’s primary instruction.

    6. Students enrolled in digital education virtual programs will be provided access to HCPSS programs and services such as meals, extracurricular opportunities, special education and related services.

  3. Supplemental Digital Education

    1. The HCPSS will provide a fee schedule for HCPSS and non-HCPSS digital education supplemental courses.

    2. All schools will provide supervision for students while enrolled in a supplemental digital education course at a physical school during the traditional school day.

    3. Alternative programs will provide supervision for students enrolled in supplemental digital education outside of the traditional school day as appropriate.

IV. Responsibilities

  1. The HCPSS will establish criteria for course instruction for digital education courses.

  2. The HCPSS will assist digital education students to access the required hardware, software, and internet connectivity that are available to other HCPSS students.

  3. The Superintendent/designee will use program data to plan future course offerings and course delivery models available to HCPSS students, consistent with the standards outlined in Policy 8000 Curriculum.

  4. The Superintendent/designee will publish eligibility requirements and digital education course availability annually.

  5. The Superintendent/designee will communicate information annually regarding digital education courses to all students, parents, and employees.

  6. The Superintendent/designee will develop an annual report on the status of digital education in HCPSS.

V. Delegation of Authority

The Superintendent is authorized to develop procedures for the implementation of this policy.

VI. Definitions

Within the context of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  1. Alternative Programs – Intervention and Innovative Pathway Programs managed by the HCPSS Office of Program Innovation and Well-Being.

  2. Digital Education – The use of digital tools and technologies to deliver teaching and learning where the time, location and instructional method may differ from a traditional classroom.

  3. Digital Education Program Office – The department designated to implement digital education in the HCPSS.

  4. Digital Education Student – A student enrolled in a digital education course, or a digital education virtual program, delivered by a HCPSS teacher or another HCPSS-approved online learning provider.

  5. Digital Virtual Program – The education center providing full-time digital education for HCPSS students in grades K-12.

  6. Full-Time Digital Education – Where a HCPSS student in grades K-12 is taking the majority of their instruction through virtual learning.

  7. Non-HCPSS Employed Teacher – A certificated teacher provided by an online learning provider to teach digital education courses to HCPSS students.

  8. Online Learning Provider – A third-party vendor, institute of higher education or school district that provides digital education to students.

  9. Supplemental Digital Education – Where a HCPSS student in grades K-12 takes the majority of their instruction through traditional instruction at a HCPSS school and some of their instruction through digital education courses.

  10. Virtual Learning – A digital education instructional method where the majority (80% or more) of the instruction is synchronous.

VII. References

  • The Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, §7-14 Virtual Education

  • The Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, §7-901, et seq., Technology for Education

  • The Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, §7-1002, Maryland Technology Academy

  • COMAR 13A.04.15, Digital Learning

C. Relevant Data Sources

VIII. History

ADOPTED: January 12, 2017


MODIFIED: July 15, 2021


EFFECTIVE: July 15, 2021