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Policy 8010 - Grading and Reporting: Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 5 - Appendix A

  1. Implementation Timeline

    1. In order to ensure a smooth transition from the prior grading procedures, the following staggered implementation schedule will be used:

      1. The learning behaviors described in Section II.C. in the Implementation Procedures will be implemented at all grade levels, Pre-K-5, beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.

      2. The prior grading procedures described in Appendix A. Section B. below will be followed until the new grading procedures are implemented at that grade level.

      3. The new grading procedures described in Section II.B. in the Implementation Procedures will be implemented in grades Pre-K – 2 beginning with the 2022-2023 school year and grades 3-5 beginning with the 2023-2024 school year.

      4. Appendix A will be removed at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

    2. The table below provides a summary of the implementation phase-in schedule:

      2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025

      Reporting of Learning Behaviors

      Implement (all elementary grades)

      Reporting of Curriculum Standards

      Implement (grades Pre-K-2)

      Implement (grades 3-5)

  2. Prior Grading Procedures

    1. Grading - The grading system used to reflect student achievement for Pre K-5 includes letter grades, effort codes/comments, and instructional levels.

      1. Grades

        Grades reported on interim/progress reports and on the report card at the end of each marking period in Pre K-5 are derived from a compilation of assessments from that entire marking period up to the point of the progress report or report card.

        1. Grades in Pre K-2 are the following:

          • I - Independent

          • W - With assistance

          • N - Not apparent at this time

        2. Grades in 3-5 are the following:

          • A (90-100%) - Outstanding level

          • B (80-89%) - High level

          • C (70-79%) - Satisfactory level

          • D (60-69%) - Low level

          • E (59% or lower) - Failure

            Percent scores are rounded to the nearest whole number. Anything below .5 rounds down, and anything .5 and above rounds up.

            Ex. 1: 89.49% rounds to 89. Ex. 2: 89.50% rounds to 90.

        3. Student grades may not be subject to a percentage grade reduction for lateness to class, absence, behavior or disciplinary action. Such actions could impact the final grade, however, in an indirect manner because of missed work and incomplete assignments.

        4. In computing numerical averages from letter grades, the following equivalents will be used:

          A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0

    2. The instructional levels for reading and math are as follows:

      1. For 1-5 reading, the following instructional levels are assigned based on objectives from the essential curriculum:

        1. For 1-2 reading, the instructional level (above, on, or below grade level) is based on the student’s current level of reading performance as determined by approved assessments in word identification and comprehension.

        2. For 3-5 in reading, the instructional level is based on the following:


          If, in general, the student

          • Reads a variety of materials independently that are on and above grade level.

          • Demonstrates comprehension by earning, at minimum, twos on a zero to three rubric for written responses to reading questions.

          • Responds orally with adequately developed answers to reading questions.

          • Performs at the satisfactory or excellent level on county mandated reading assessments.

          • Performs at the proficient or advanced level on state mandated reading assessments.

            ON GRADE LEVEL

            If, in general, the student

          • Reads a variety of materials independently that are on grade level.

          • Demonstrates comprehension by earning mostly twos on a zero to three rubric for written responses to reading questions.

          • Responds orally with adequately developed answers to reading questions.

          • Performs at the satisfactory level on county mandated reading assessments.

          • Performs at the proficient level on state mandated reading assessments.


            If, in general, the student

          • Is unable to read grade level materials independently.

          • Fails to demonstrate comprehension by earning mostly zeros or ones on a zero to three rubric for written responses to reading questions.

          • Responds orally with undeveloped answers to reading questions.

          • Performs at the not-yet-satisfactory level on county mandated reading assessments.

          • Performs at the basic level on state mandated reading assessments.

      2. For 1-5 in mathematics, the instructional codes/comments (above, on, or below grade level) are assigned as follows:


        If, in general, the student

        • Demonstrates satisfactory performance on the above-grade level objectives from the HCPSS Curriculum by scoring at least 70% on assessments following instruction.

        • Performs at the satisfactory or excellent level on county mathematics assessments.

        • Performs at the proficient or advanced level on state mandated mathematics assessments.


        If, in general, the student

        • Demonstrates satisfactory performance on the grade level objectives from the HCPSS Curriculum by scoring at least 70% on assessments following instruction.

        • Performs at the satisfactory level on county mathematics assessments.

        • Performs at the proficient level on state mandated mathematics assessments.


        If, in general, the student

        • Demonstrates unsatisfactory performance on the grade level objectives from the HCPSS Curriculum by scoring consistently lower than 70% on grade level assessments following instruction.

        • Performs at the not-yet-satisfactory level on county mathematics assessments.

        • Performs at the basic level on state mandated mathematics assessments.