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Fund Accountability and Transparency - Vendor Payments

Welcome to the HCPSS Funding Accountability and Transparency web site. This is a public web site that allows users to search and view summary information on payments made to vendors that received $25,000 or more for the respective fiscal year.

1. To search by the fiscal year (FY), select the desired year from the drop down. Information is currently available beginning with FY 2010.
2. To search for any string in the vendor name, type in the search string in the box under the Vendor Name column header.
3. To search for any zip code, type in the zip code in the box under the Zip Code column header.
4. To filter the Total Paid column, use <X to filter values less than X, or >X to filter values greater than X. Use X..Y to filter range between X and Y.
5. To sort by a column, click on column header to sort by ascending or descending order.

Choose Fiscal Year: