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Changes to 2018–2019 Academic Calendar Announced

May 18th, 2018

The Howard County Board of Education approved changes to the 2018–2019 academic year calendar. The revised calendar provides greater predictability by including an additional inclement weather closing day and preserving a full Spring Break week, and benefits students, parents and staff who wish to plan schedules in advance.

The revised calendar designates Presidents Day as a school holiday, avoids the use of Spring Break to make up for inclement weather closings, and changes the last day of school to June 17, 2019. Four possible inclement weather days are added to the end of the school year, thus allowing greater scheduling flexibility in making up school closings. The changes were made possible by recent state legislation allowing school systems to extend the school year for five additional school days beyond June 15.

Specific changes include:

The revised 2018­–2019 calendar can be viewed online at Printed calendars will be sent home with students at the start of the school year.

The Board of Education first approved the 2018-2019 academic calendar at its December 19, 2017 meeting.