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HCPSS Student Named 2018 Maryland Geographic Bee Champion

April 13th, 2018

Mount View Middle School eighth-grader Alan Zhang recently won the Maryland State Geography Bee, sponsored by the National Geographic Society, and held April 6.

Zhang and 53 other state and territory winners will go on to compete in the 30th annual National Geographic Bee on May 20–23 in Washington, D.C.

Zhang competed against 101 students from across Maryland to win the competition. More than 4,600 students from across the United States and territories competed in National Geographic State Geography Bees on the same day.

To qualify for the state geography bee, Zhang took first place in a geography bee at his school and scored high on an online exam of 100 questions. State qualifiers then compete in an oral competition at the state level bee.

More information on the National Geographic Bee is available on their website.