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HCPSS Schools to Participate in “Hour of Code” Computer Science Activities, December 4–10, 2017

November 29th, 2017

To mark the fourth annual Computer Science Education Week, all Howard County public schools will participate in’s global Hour of Code the week of December 4–10. Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science designed to get students interested in computer science and programming.

HCPSS Instructional Technology and Career and Technology Education offices have worked with teachers to create opportunities for students to try computer science for at least one hour during the week. Classroom participation will include discussions about Hour of Code and why participation is important, learning and understanding new coding vocabulary words, online coding activities, and offline coding activities like robotics and classroom work. Activities at each school may vary.

Interim Superintendent Michael Martirano will visit four schools on Wednesday, December 6, to experience Hour of Code activities firsthand: