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Interim Superintendent Meets with State Board of Public Works

October 18th, 2017

Howard County Public School System Interim Superintendent Dr. Michael J. Martirano and members of the Board of Education presented the school system’s capital budget request to the Maryland Board of Public Works in Annapolis. Martirano addressed questions from the board and discussed progress made by the school system to strengthen relationships with the community, and with county and state leaders.

Joining Martirano at the session were Board of Education Chairman Cindy Vaillancourt and Board members Kirsten Coombs and Sandra French as well as County Executive Allan Kittleman, County Council Chair Jon Weinstein and council members Calvin Ball and Jennifer Terrasa. From Howard County’s state delegation, Delegates Robert Flanagan and Vanessa Atterbeary also attended.

“This was a great opportunity to discuss the challenges we face as one of the fastest growing jurisdictions in the state and to provide Governor Hogan, Comptroller Franchot and Treasurer Kopp with an update on our efforts to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars,” said Martirano.

One of the system’s priorities is to request local planning permission to begin the development process for High School #13, which is required to relieve overcrowding in the eastern part of the county and provide equitable access to high quality educational programs and services for all students. This project has been accelerated by two years with a completion date of 2022 and is estimated to cost $124,000,000 with a total state request of $49,600,000 over three years (FY 2020–2022).

Martirano’s testimony also addressed questions raised by the Board last year about the need for enhanced communication with stakeholders and efforts to respond to community concerns regarding the indoor air quality of HCPSS buildings and facilities.

“The board put its faith back in Howard County schools with the restoration of $9.6 million in state funding and we must continue to demonstrate progress in these areas,” said Martirano. “We will continue to improve, grow, and put equity for children first and foremost as our work is never done.”

In addition to the local planning permissions for High School #13 and replacement for Talbott Springs Elementary School, the Board’s capital budget request to the state includes roof replacements for Atholton Elementary School ($538,000), Fulton Elementary School ($816,000) and Harper’s Choice Middle School ($1,829,000), a roof replacement and partial door and window repairs for Long Reach High School ($4,627,000), and the partial replacement of doors and windows at Glenwood Middle School ($775,000).